Approximately two-thirds of the 1.5 million Americans living with lupus will develop some type of skin disease. Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system is unbalanced causing it to become destructive to any organ and tissue in the body. Skin disease in lupus can cause rashes or sores (lesions), most of which will appear on sun-exposed areas, such as a person's face, ears, neck, arms, and legs. In addition, 40-70 percent of people with systemic lupus will find that their disease is made worse by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight or artificial light. For this and other reasons, people with lupus are advised to take steps to protect themselves from exposure to UV light...
2 comentários:
Bom Dia,meus queridos.
Passei para vos desejar o começo de
Semana com muita Paz,Ternura e Amor.
Vou tirar férias, sem vos...abandonar.
É muito bom ter um blog como o do Tony com informação actual, já que a classe médica não perde muito tempo a informar os doentes.
Desejo que ai por casa especialmente a Claudia, esteja a caminhar benzinho,e que tenham tido um bom fim de semana.
:) doce carinho com muitos beij.
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